Data Library Team
Saurabh Asthana, Data Library engineer
Amadeo Mazzara, Data Library engineer
Josh Trotter, Data Library engineer
Dan Bunis, data scientist and Data Library engineer
Bushra Samad, data scientist and Data Librarian
Gabi Fragiadakis, PI of the Data Science CoLab
Zachary Collins, data library engineer
Cole Shaw, data library engineer
Anton Ogorodnikov, data library engineer
Participating organizations
Immunoprofiler Initiative: The Immunoprofiler Initiative is an academic-industry collaboration between laboratories at UCSF and five biopharmaceutical partners. The experimental and clinical data generated as part of this consortium was instrumental in the foundation of the Data Library
ImmunoX: the ImmunoX program is sponsoring a series of CoProjects that will contribute to the expansion of the Data Library in both funding and vision. These data will be available to the ImmunoX community after an embargo period.
CoLabs: The CoLabs is a series of collaboration-based research groups that are involved in interlocking parts of the data generation, curation, and analysis process for many of the projects that will be included in the Data Library.
The UCSF community: The Data Library is intended to be a resource for the UCSF research community. Library access and data will become available to UCSF researchers for further exploration after the embargo period.